Product Updates

Constructive Update 5.25

Constructive 5.25 — CC Email Setting

1. NEW CC Email Address Setting

You now have the ability to CC all emails to a global email address, helpful for systems infrastructure that requires CC, rather than BCC.

You can find this new option under Settings, General above the existing BCC Email Address.

Please note, you can only CC or BCC, not both.

cc email address

2. Bug Fixes

Users are no longer incorrectly auto-locked when linked to cancelled jobs
If a user was linked to both cancelled and uncancelled jobs, (and the setting had been turned on to auto-lock users linked to cancelled jobs), they were still being locked, despite having a live job. This is now fixed.

Duplicating housetype no longer includes deleted areas
Deleted housetype areas are now no longer incorrectly copied over when a house type is duplicated.

.obj Model processing scaling of UVs
New model processing texture scaling issues fixed.

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Constructive Intelligence Analytics Update 2.0

Intelligence 2.0 — New Selections Log, Selections Price Reference, New Variation Cost Page

1. NEW Selections Log

Selections Log, a new feature of Intelligence 2.0, displays a log of selected, unselected and price change events, allowing you to monitor exactly what clients are selecting and changing their minds about.

Please note:

  1. The log is based on selections history snapshotted each night, so details of selection changes within a day are not available.
  2. For unselected events, Selections Made By is not available.

2. Selections Price Reference

An addition to the Price Configuration page, this new table allows you to see your selection template choice prices and assess them against both your standard in-spec pricing as well as an average retail price.

Here’s how you can get the most out of the Selections Price Reference table:

  1. Filter by a single Specification to show the Relative Price — which is the choice price relative to the standard in-spec item price.
  2. The Reference Price column shows the average retail price across the supplier retail price data Constructive has acquired.
    Please note: Currently, retail price data is via supplier The Blue Space. We will be adding more suppliers in the coming months.
  3. Use the Price Reference button to show item choices where a retail price reference is available or use the Price Above Reference button to show item choices where the Relative Price is above the average Reference Price. Drill through to see the details of the reference prices.

3. NEW Variation Cost Page

The new Variation Cost page gives you deeper visibility into variations so you can analyse and review the differences from various business units, brands, jobs, selections and items — as well as identify when variations occur after the Selections Appointment, helping you recognise where you can create efficiencies, increase upgrade income and improve processes.

  • Analyse the variation cost across jobs.
  • See the difference in variation cost from Selections Appointment Complete to Selections Finalised.
  • Break down the variation cost difference by Business Unit, Brand, Selection, Item and Job.
  • Drill-through to a log of selection changes (snapshotted nightly).

Please note, variation difference analysis requires the following progress tasks completed on jobs:

  1. Selections Appointment completed. Dates are taken from the progress task matching the name in Constructive Settings: Selections: Prestart Meeting Progress Item Name.
  2. Selections Finalised. Completed dates are taken from manually identified progress tasks, usually named “Final Documents” or “Final Plans.” If you believe the incorrect progress task has been used, please contact your CSM.

    variation cost selections finalised
    variation difference

4. Navigation Changes

  • Top Choice Groups page is now a button on Top Item Choices page.
  • Top Items by Upgrade Price and Top Selection Groups by Upgrade % pages moved to visuals on the Selection Upgrades page.
  • Price Overrides page is now a button on Price Configuration page.

5. Minor Changes

  • Added new counts to the Photos page showing the count of Construction jobs that have no photos added in 30 days, 90 days and 180 days.
  • Added Last Photo Added On column to Job Details table.
  • Added option to show Photos by Client Liaison.
  • Added Client Email column to Selection Detail table.
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Constructive Update 5.24

Constructive 5.24 — 3D Improvements

1. 3D – Speed improvements

We have improved frame rate and initial loading performance, translating into a substantially smoother, faster experience for your clients making selections in 3D, (via an approximate 80% decrease in transferred and download resources, and a 52% decrease in GPU draw calls).

2. NEW Internal 3D – Optional wider lens view for internal cameras

Previously, smaller rooms — such as a laundry, or ensuite — were difficult to view in full when visualising Selections in 3D. You now have the option of increasing the field of view of internal cameras to show more of the room and help your clients gain a better visual understanding of the space.

Once you have set up your cameras, simply click the magnifying glass to activate the wider lens view.

wider angle lens internal 3d

3. NEW 3D – Auto-correction of house model rotation during IFC processing

Often, loaded IFC models may be pre-rotated in 3D programs, such as Archicad or Revit, to mimic block direction.

Constructive 3D will now automatically retrieve the angle and apply rotation to your model to face true North, reducing common Internal and External 3D rotation issues, such as incorrect floor tile direction.

IFC model rotation

4. Internal 3D – Model Mapping – Add Area to Model Mapping Template

You can now add an Area to your Model Mapping Template within Internal 3D. Please contact your Client Success Manager for set up and training.

5. Bug Fixes

3D – Model Edit – Missing roof visibility correction
If your 3D model has loaded with part of the roof missing, you now have the ability to fix this in the Model Edit screen.

Please ensure the roof is mapped to the correct dimension type of ColorbondColorbond Roof or Roof Tiles as per your Selection Template. Once the dimension type is added, click on the three-dot kebab menu on the missing item and select Fix missing roof parts.

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Constructive Intelligence Analytics 1.9

Intelligence 1.9 — New Online Engagement KPI: Percentage of Client Selections before Appointment

1. NEW Percentage of Client Selections before Appointment

Intelligence 1.9 features a new Online Engagement KPI showing you the percentage of the client visible Selections that were selected by a client up to one day before the Selections Appointment Completion date. This is averaged across jobs which have completed their Selections Appointment.

With this data, you can benchmark your results and strive to increase your percentage to reduce the amount of time spent in the Selections appointment and speed up the pre-Construction process.

Percentage of Client Selections before Appointment is now available on the Online Engagement KPIs page, with history from 3 February, 2023.

percentage client selections prior to appointment

2. Other Updates

  • Percentage of Client Selections before Appointment added to the Metrics for active jobs on the Engagement page.
  • Percentage of Client Selections before Appointment added to Job Details.
  • 180 day historical rank added to Online Engagement KPIs page.
  • Added a drill-through from Documents per job by Client Liaison to Job Document Details.
  • Selections by Month page now shows the last two years by default.
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Constructive Intelligence Analytics Update 1.8

Intelligence 1.8 — Selections Timeframes

Intelligence 1.8 features a new Selections Timeframes page, providing you with data to benchmark and monitor your completions over time so you can look at ways to speed up your clients’ journeys to completing Selections and assess Selections Consultant performance.

1. NEW Selections Timeframes

The new Selections Timeframes page tracks the counts of Selections Appointment completions over time and the number of days until Selections are finalised. 

Please note: To display meaningful data on the Selections Timeframes page, you must have Progress implemented and maintained on jobs in Constructive, including completion dates for Selections Appointment and Selections Finalised Final Documents Final Plans tasks.

View the Selections Appointment Count by Finalised Timeframe: Same Day, or within 15, 30, 60 and 90 day time-frames. You can also drill-through to Job Details.

selections appointment count

Intelligence can help you monitor Selections Consultant performance. View the Average Days to Selections Finalised by Selections Consultant, and over time.

average days to selections finalised
selections not finalised

2. Other Updates

  • Online Engagement KPIs Added Average Day to Selections Finalised KPI.
  • Engagement page The Active Client count is now a monthly display, showing the last 6 months, (previously daily, showing the last 30 days).
  • Job Details new columns Selections Available to Client OnSelections First Locked OnSelections Finalised On and Days to Selections Finalised.
  • Documents page You can now switch between Documents per Job by Contract and by Client Liaison.
  • Surveys Surveys with non responses rate will now show on the Response Rate by Survey Name chart.
  • Discontinued Item Selections table Added a new Manufacturer column.
  • Selection Details Added a new Product Code filter.
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Constructive Update 5.22

Constructive 5.22 — Selections Reports Notes Titles, Item Suggested Changes, Item Suggested Discontinued

1. Selections Reports — Notes Titles
As a Builder admin, you can now customise Notes Titles for inclusion in Selections Reports. For example, you might configure the Notes Title to be Builder or Admin — or choose to have no Notes Title at all.

To ensure this Note Title appears on your Selections Report, navigate to Settings / Selections / Reports, and tick Client Selections Report Admin Note Title and/or Client Selections Report Client Note Title.

notes titles inclusion

2. Items — New actions: Suggested Changes and Suggest Discontinued

Previously, you would need to go through the Item Library or submit a support ticket to suggest changes to items or indicate their discontinuation.

Now, to speed up the process, you can suggest a change of image or information — or suggest an item has been discontinued — directly within your Selection template in Constructive.

Click the 3-dot kebab menu on the right of an item’s line to select Suggest Changes or Suggest Discontinuation. Your suggestion will be delivered directly to your Client Success Manager for review.

items suggestions discontinued

3. Items — New actions filter: Item Suggested Status

You can now filter items by Item Suggested Status to view by Change or Discontinued.

item status

4. Bug Fixes

Selections – Price Text Override: My Selections and Reports now display both the price (non-zero) and custom text.

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Constructive Update 5.21

Constructive 5.21 — New Notifications Emails, House Type Dimension Ordering and Admin Improvements

1. Notifications — Low Selections Reminder Weekly Email
Automate a weekly follow-up to keep your clients’ Selections process moving rapidly with the new Low Selections Reminder — a customised, branded email reminding clients to make Selections if they have less than 20 Selections chosen. The email goes out once a week on a Monday and can be toggled on or off.


2. Notifications — New 3D Model Notification Daily Email
Keep track of what’s changed with the new 3D Model Notification email — a summary of new models as well as what has changed on existing models. The email is sent daily to Contract Administrators and can be toggled on or off.

3d model notification email example

3. House Type Admin — Dimension Ordering Within Areas and Dimension Order
You can now drag and drop Dimensions within Areas (reflected in Job Details Quants) to easily re-order to suit your workflow. This is especially useful when you have Selections in multiple Areas and you’d like to guide clients through these in a particular order. For example, selecting a benchtop first in the kitchen, then the laundry, then the bathroom.

4. House Type Admin — Area Duplication
Quickly duplicate areas by clicking the 3-dot ‘kebab’ icon on the right and choosing Duplicate.

duplicate modal

5. Emails — Resend to a New Email Address
Need to re-send an email to a new email address not previously used? Now you can conveniently send on an existing email to someone new by clicking the re-send button and typing their email address into the new input field.

6. Job Contacts — New Construction Manager Job Contact
Construction Manager has been added to the Job Contact roles for your clients to communicate with.

construction manager role

7. Selection Reports — Available Items Report Pop-Up
Customise your reports to suit your needs. The Available Items Report now shows a Pop-Up modal box where you can tick what price type(s) you’d like to include before generating the report.

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Constructive Intelligence Analytics Update 1.7

Intelligence 1.7 — Selection History and Appointment Complete Filter

Intelligence 1.7 is focused on the new Selection History feature, a daily snapshot of the history of items chosen for a Selection, now accessible directly from Intelligence.

Has a Selection accidentally been chosen? Use Selection History to go back and find what the previous Selection was without having to contact your client — or your Constructive CSM.

Easily double-check any errors that come up on site by viewing the history of previous Selections.

1. NEW Selection History

Drill through from Selection Detail to the new Selection History to view a daily snapshot of items chosen.

job history drill through
selection history

Please note the following Selection History limitations:

  • Selections which didn’t have an item selected in the most recent snapshot will not be available in the table; therefore, their history will not be available in the report.
  • History snapshots are taken each evening, so details of Selections made within a day are not available.
  • It’s not possible to determine who unselected an item.

2. NEW Selection Appointment Complete Filter

This new filter can be found on the Selection Detail page, allowing you to quickly view selections for jobs that have not completed their Selection appointment.

Note the default filter setting is “True” — unselect “True” to display Selections for all jobs.

If you don’t use the Progress module, or your progress template does not include a Selection Appointment task, this filter will instead filter jobs whose Selections are locked.

selection appointment complete filter

3. Other Updates

  • Added column Elevation to Job Details and Selection Detail.
  • Added column Price Override Text to Selection Detail table.
  • Added a Job filter to the Selection Detail page.

4. Bug Fixes

  • Fixed hover tooltip incorrectly displaying Price Overrides on multiple selections pages.
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