Constructive 5.9 – Email Templates, Dashboard Text, 3D Objects, Model Mapping & Survey Features

Constructive Update 5.9

Features: Email Template Editability, Dashboard Announcement Text Area, 3D Objects, Model Mapping & Survey Features

editable email content

1. Email Template Editable Content
You can now manage the content of email templates yourself! Easily update the text of your progress milestones and other emails as required, preview the format and send yourself a test email to confirm you’re happy with the changes. Create new emails by copying previous email templates and updating the content via the HTML editor.

dashboard announcement text

2. Dashboard Announcement Text Area
You can now create HTML supported text announcements to display at the top of all client dashboards, a great place for a welcome message or announcements you want to highlight.

3d highlight feature

3. 3D Object Highlighting
Our External 3D rendering has been enhanced to super accurately highlight objects in the Model edit screen. Easily identify objects on the models for selection requirements.

3d highlight feature

4. Model Mapping
When processing a 3D Model, you can now manage the Model Mapping integration yourself.

5. Survey Features
Survey Monkey integration is now supported and you can now store clients’ answers for NPS questions.

6. Registration Email
You now have the ability to trigger a Registration Email, separate to a Registration Reminder Email.

7. Bug Fixes
Messages: We have resolved small issues around messages in email replies, setting the target job upon message opening and resolved/unresolved status functionality.

Message import: When messages are imported through the integration, new lines are shown in your user interface.

3D: You can now successfully switch between jobs in Selections without breaking the 3D model navigation, single garage doors now display correctly as well as some general model display fixes.

User avatars: now display at the correct size after cropping.

Job Selection choices: We have now prevented choices duplication.

Integration: Photo Import API. .exe and .dll files are now blocked from uploading.

Customer name in sidebar: When logged in as a company user, customer name now displays in the sidebar.

Job details: Saving a job now saves contact user phone correctly without duplication. ‘Sending Password Reset link’ modal window now shows the user email where the link will be sent.

Notifications: Fixes around regular notifications for not-registered users.

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