Constructive 4.22.5 – Job Progress Page and 3D Improvements

Constructive Update 4.22.5

Features: Admin screen for Job Progress and 3D improvements

1. Admin screen for managing Job Progress within the customer portal
We have steadily been enabling the ability to see the job information within the admin job details page, and today we’ve added a big piece of functionality. Job Progress. You can now record the start and completion dates within the admin screen. These completions will trigger the activity notifications and the customer surveys.

This screen is very useful for reference as well.

If you have been holding back from using the portal side of Constructive software because you’ve not wanted (or can’t) do integration with your tracking software, then this will no longer be an issue. Contact me to discuss further.

2. 3D Improvements
We’ve been working hard to make the 3D visualisations as flexible and as beautiful as possible. One important part of the elevation of the home is the garage door. We have now enabled logic to replace the garage door with models of the different profiles so that it looks more realistic and allows us to visualise the timber look style finishes.

Other 3D improvements

  1. We now allow for houses of different orientations (such as multi unit development jobs)
  2. We now allow for different selection mappings for different units within a multi unit development
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