Features: 3D Selection, Selection Notes, Copy Selections, Job Quants and Multiple Photo uploads
1. 3D Selection
We’ve now enabled the client to select the selection to choose by just clicking on the relevant part of the 3D model. There is now no need to hunt through obscure selection names to find the right one.
Just click on the relevant part of the 3D model and it will jump to the first selection applicable to that section.
This improvement also is applied to the Model admin screen making it much, much quicker to do any manual mapping, as you can now just click on the section not mapped and it will jump to that item in the list automatically.
Other 3D improvements
- The client is now able to toggle the display of the selection description within 3D mode.
- The 3D model is now visible after the selections have been completed, enabling the client to still enjoy the view of their beautiful new home.
2. Selection Notes
Since introducing the builder notes system into selections, it has been well used. We’re now enhancing it further to allow two different types of notes; client notes that they can make at home, and builder notes that only you as builders can make. This will help your client make notes for themselves, but still enable you to do the formal writeup note to go on any documentation.
I advise you to encourage the client to enter any notes as they go through online selections prior to the selections meeting.
3. Copy Selections
On the job details page you can now copy selections from another job to the current job you are looking at. An often requested feature to allow unit selections to copy from one another.
The two jobs must be the same selection template though!
4. Job Quants Improvements
Job quantities are the driving force behind making the selections specific to the job. Increasing customer satisfaction by not showing them irrelevant information.
Copy Area
It is now easy to create a new area with all the same quants as another area, just click on the three dots next to the area you want to copy from and then select the name of the new area. Easy!
Delete Area
Remove many quantities in a single click by clicking on the three dots and remove a whole area in one go.
Filtered Dimension Types/Quantity Types
No longer will you see irrelevant dimension types that are not in your possible list of selections. It now will show you a much smaller list based on what you use! You can still get back to the much longer list by ticking the box to show all. Again this is designed to make the process of job prep much quicker.
5. Multiple Photo Upload
Finally but by no means least, we have enabled multiple photo upload in one go. Making it much easier to upload large numbers of photos in one go. Supervisors rejoice!