Constructive 5.39 – Online Selections improvements

constructive software release notes 5.39

1 — My Selections Search by Model Number

When conducting Selections meetings from the My Selections screen, you can now search by Model Number in the modal pop-up when selecting products.

2 Pre-selected Items Select multiple specifications for one line

You can now save time by selecting multiple specifications for one line via multi-select checkboxes, instead of having separate lines for each specification.

3 Bug fixes

Selections – House Types Admin screen

When a user attempts to create a House Type with a name that already exists, they are now prompted to either re-name the existing one — or choose a different name — so that House Types can remain unique for a Company.

Selections – Packages with Note required

Previously, when selecting a Package that contained Items with Notes required, you were unable to successfully select the Package. Now, you are prompted to enter a Note if required on selection of the Package.

Maintenance – Maintenance Report

Fixed incorrect numbering of Maintenance Items.

Usernames with spaces

Constructive now supports Usernames that contain spaces as an allowed character.

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