Constructive 4.31 – 3D Enhancements and Selections Write Up

Constructive Update 4.31

Features: 3D Speed Improvements, Rotation Configuration and further enhanced selections print offs

1. 3D Speed Improvements and Configurable Rotation limits
We’ve done some under the hood improvements to the 3D visualisation to improve the performance. This lays the foundations for some good improvements to the 3D view to come.

We’ve also made the view of the house model more configurable, by allowing you to control how high, or how far around the model you allow your clients to rotate. You can change this setting in Settings (Selections->3D).

2. Enhanced Selections Print Options
Constructive is now a fully fledged addenda/selections system, allowing the generation of contract/tender selections print offs, which will ignore any client selections made to date (thus allowing you to give selections to the client at deposit or even pre-deposit stage). This was an important enhancement to ensure you can still give the great engagement tool to the client as early as you like, but still have paperwork integrity.

Combine this with previous improvements in product pre selections based on specification, default wording if no selection has been made (e.g. ‘To Be Selected from builders standard range’), ability to generate different print offs from the same selection information and you’ve got a system that covers the entire lifecycle of the selections write up process.

If you want to talk about extending Online Selections with the Addenda/Selections Write up bolt-on then please contact James Salt to discuss further. 

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